Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Follow me @Jesus_the_Christ on Twitter

This blog was inspired by my pastor, Rod Stafford of Fairfax Community Church. Many of my points are from him and not mine. Thanks Rod

Here's a question for you. Would you follow a twitter account like the one in the title? Would your curiosity be sparked? Do you have a twitter account? How many followers do you have?

With the explosion of Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and many other social networks, the concept of following someone has a totally different meaning now. Look at this verse of scripture and see what I mean:

(KJV) Mark 8:34 And when he had called the people [unto him] with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

Hmmmm... Now was Jesus asking you to look in your "people you MAY know" link and add Him to your friends list. No, following Jesus on FB and following Him as a lifestyle carry totally different meanings. Both of which I think I am down for but when I look inward, I gotta wonder, is my relationship with Jesus similar to me being a FB friend to Jesus? Am I checking on His profile (the word) every now and then? Am I posting to His Wall (praying) maybe once a week to see how He is doing?

So maybe Jesus, to you, has only been a person you follow like on FB or twitter? I will tell you that is your choice but I will also tell you the benefits of truly following Jesus with your whole heart far outweigh the benefits that come with only being his "FB friend". And it aint hard to get your relationship with Him started. All you have to do is take everything that you are, everything you have done, everything that you have not done, everything that you have smoked, everything that you have snorted, everything that you have done wrong, put in a proverbial bag and give it to Him. And guess what He is going to do... Take it and you and love you with any conditions.

Click here to follow HIM

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