Tuesday, September 6, 2011

In the seat next to me in the airport

If God Himself was to get on an airplane, would it cause people to feel safer or would it cause people to worry?  The same question can be asked of Satan.  Would people worry or better stated, not care one way or the other?

What would I do you ask?  Well, if it was God, I'd try to sit next to Him and use the flight time to spend time with Him.  If it was Satan, I have to admit that the warrior in me would use the authority granted to me to kick him off the plane. (I'm not into sharing my airplanes with notoriously, outright evil dudes... I mean, that's just me.) 

Now let's bring it to a realistic situation.  There are all kinds of people that get on airplanes, go in stores with us, and many other things we do.  Those who of us who claim to love God, believe as part of our faith, we have Him residing in our hearts, right?  Does that change the way we act or motivate us to do something, anything different when we go into these places?  Subsequently, those same folks who get on planes with us, go into the same stores as us, have all kinds of bad intentions, evil thoughts and motivations.  Does THAT change the way we act or motivate us to do something, anything different?

Here's my point, what is it that motivates you to do whatever it is you do?  Is it the company you keep?  Is it the places you go and the people that are there with you?  Is it your faith (or the lack thereof)? 

Time for reflection and introspection, huh?  I'm doing it right now.

Tell you what I'm thinking, I dare you to change your viewpoint from a selfish, "its all about me" motivation to act to an self-less, "its not about me but all about others", divinely relational motivation to act.  I'll do it with you.  Ready?  Leggo!!

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