This next entry is a modification of a sermon by my pastor, Rod Stafford of Fairfax Community Church. It was so good, I had to put this one down.
In the book of John 20: 10 - 18 it says this:
10Then the disciples went back again to their homes (lodging places).
11But Mary remained standing outside the tomb sobbing. As she wept, she stooped down [and looked] into the tomb.
12And she saw two angels in white sitting there, one at the head and one at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain.
13And they said to her, Woman, why are you sobbing? She told them, Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him.
14On saying this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing [there], but she did not know (recognize) that it was Jesus.
15Jesus said to her, Woman, why are you crying [so]? For Whom are you looking? Supposing that it was the gardener, she replied, Sir, if you carried Him away from here, tell me where you have put Him and I will take Him away.
16Jesus said to her, Mary! Turning around she said to Him in Hebrew, Rabboni!--which means Teacher or Master.
17Jesus said to her, Do not cling to Me [do not hold Me], for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to My brethren and tell them, I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.
18Away came Mary Magdalene, bringing the disciples news (word) that she had seen the Lord and that He had said these things to her.
Now here's what's interesting about this story... first of all, how many times did Jesus say to the disciples, or as I like to call them, his gang of thugs, "I'm going to be killed but I will rise again." He must have said that no less than 10 times. Constantly reminding them of this... yet, these dudes are shocked when it happens. Mary was in that same mind frame. She was shocked. Looking down into the tomb, wondering where did Jesus go? It's like we as parents tell our kids, no matter how old, don't do something and they do it anyway. Or a better one, when you tell a little child, don't touch that stove because it's hot and what happens, they do it anyway and have the nerve to look surprised.
Ok, so here's the scene... Jesus done told these mugs 50-eleven times that He is going to die but rise again. It happens, and they are shocked and shook to their foundations. So Mary, who also heard this about 50-eleven times goes to the tomb and what does she see? Two angels and then a few minutes later Jesus appears to her. After she sees this, Jesus tells her to go tell the other dudes what she has seen. Now, this is an interesting thing because Mary in the previous pages was the one that Jesus cast out 7 spirits. This is the equivalent of a person who is mentally ill. It would be like you hanging out with the fellas or your girls on the corner and the neighborhood crackhead coming up to you and telling you they just saw 2 angels and Jesus. Can you imagine, Dante the crackhead, as he scratches his neck and his arm from getting over his last high telling you, "Yooooo!!!! I just saw 2 angels and then I saw Jesus. Yoooo!!!"
Here's point #1 - The message of Christ is going to come in ways that you may not expect, but it is still the best thing going today. That message may come to you through your drunk uncle, a interesting blog with a corny name, or even someone who you really don't like... the point is that the message of Christ and His love for you can come in many ways, shapes and forms, and I dare you to give him a chance.
Point #1a - To you folks that is already saved... don't be surprised as time goes on that the dude or dudette who you thought was the most ate-up person in the world become the loudest, most excited Christian in your church, neighborhood and your families. Uncle Stew, Cuzin Peanut, Old Man Hector is going to shock you. It would behoove you (in fact all of us) to lay down our preconcieved notions about folks today.
Here's point #2 - Jesus was like us in a whole lot of ways. But the way He is way better than us is He keeps His word. He said He would rise again and He did. I will tell you this as well. Jesus said He would love you no matter what you do. There is nothing that can separate you from His love. And that's no joke. Everything that you are and everything that you are not... everything that you THINK you are and everything you think you are not, guess what Jesus love it... He love you. It is a love beyond anyone's comprehension. Recieve that love today. Holla at Him when you get a chance, He'll be there.
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